where I started. After a sleepless night, I took a die grinder and cutoff
wheel to cut the wing skin top and bottom, then worked with a hack saw blade to
cut the ribs while working the saw blade vertically through the wing. It
should be noted that the inboard wing stub skins were built with Safe-T-Poxy
using the same plyfoam techniques as used by Dan Diehl for the Diehl wing
is a view of the rear spar after cutting the trailing edge off the wing
stub. The nylon bushing bolted to the side of the fuselage is the
bearing for the flap actuator torque tube. The small hole just in front of
it is where the cables were once run to aileron bellcranks behind the
spar. They were relocated in front of the spar by the gentleman that
started this
the spar blank into the trailing edge of the wing. This has nutplates
bonded to the back side for mounting the flap
flap wrapped in CF and covered with peel ply (in this case, 6" dacron
The linear actuator for the flaps and associated linkage. Trying to buy an actuator was a frustrating experience. I did the research and decided on what I needed. I found a company that made them, but they wouldn't sell to the public. After 2 weeks of back and forth with their sales, they refered me to a reseller. The reseller would be happy to sell me what I needed, but only if I bought a minimum of 100 of them. I finally ordered an actuator from Van's. It is bigger and heavier than I wanted, more powerful than I needed, and cost twice what the one I wanted if I only could have bought it. However, this one was readily available and will do the job.
The flap attached to the wing and
actuator linkage. With this linkage sticking out the side of the plane, I
need a plan to hide it and fair it in as
fully extended to 37
Aug 21, 2010 - Los Alamos, NM EAA Chapter 691 Spot Landing Contest - Not a winner. :o)
In this photo, with me closer to the camera, you can still clearly see my head, which means I can see down